It pays to go green with Barakahsolaric Referral Program
In today’s time, where energy prices are increasing day by day, switching to Solar has never been this imperative. SkyElectric helps by providing non-stop power day and night, at the lowest prices.
With SkyElectric Referral program, you can now refer your friends and family, who might be interested in investing in solar energy and get rewarded after every successful sale.
How Barakahsolar Referral App works?
1. High Voltage Battery
Complete visibility & control of systems to the client through SkyElectric dedicated web portal
2. Add Referral Manually
Complete visibility & control of systems to the client through SkyElectric dedicated web portal
3. Add Referral from Contacts
Complete visibility & control of systems to the client through SkyElectric dedicated web portal
4. Track Referral Status
Complete visibility & control of systems to the client through SkyElectric dedicated web portal
Grab the latest version of the SkyElectric Referral App. & start earning rewards! Available on both iOS and Android
*Note: You will only be eligible for the referral reward after a successful system purchase (not referring only).